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The Adeyfield Academy

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Curriculum

At The Adeyfield Academy it is our belief that all students achieve their potential regardless of the barriers there may be to learning. We are passionate about the support we offer to SEND students and they lie at the heart of our school's philosophy

The Adeyfield Academy prides itself on being a fully inclusive school. We welcome students of varying abilities and backgrounds. The SEND coordinator and team work together with subject specific staff to provide students with a high level of quality support.

Teachers have high expectations of all students, regardless of their current ability, and set challenging tasks for students. Lessons are differentiated and personalised so that every child achieves. Our wide range of curriculum choices enables staff to meet the needs of students with a range of learning differences. Each curriculum area is expected to provide a range of texts, materials, teaching strategies and learning activities that enable all students to fully participate in lessons.

To view our SEND report, please click here.

Our SEND Coordinator has the responsibility for ensuring that the Code of Practice (July 2014) is implemented. A copy of our SEND Policy is available in our policies area and all essential aspects of it are found on this website. 

Our most recent SEND policy can be viewed here.

Students are identified as having Special Educational Needs when they require something ‘additional to or different from’ that provided by the usual, high quality, differentiated teaching. The school is quick to respond to concerns raised by subject staff, parents or students themselves, in order to ensure that progress is rapid and confidence is high. Staff make good use of data and assessment procedures, in order to ensure that all children with SEND are identified and supported appropriately. Staff then adopt the cycle of assessing, planning, doing and reviewing until interventions are found that prove successful in enabling progress.

The Adeyfield Academy has a dedicated faculty area which caters for students with Special Educational Needs who are accessing specialist interventions. Specialist interventions are designed to ‘close the gap’ between a student’s current attainment and the average attainment expected for a student of the same age. Rigorous monitoring of interventions takes place, to ensure that desired outcomes are being met. An Inclusion Unit helps students with emotional, social and mental health difficulties. They receive targeted support where the curriculum is adapted well to meet their individual needs.The Learning Support Department

The Team 

Role Staff Member
Associate Assistant Head, Medical Lead, SENCO, DDSL, Mental Health Lead,  Teacher.  Ms J Day
Deputy SENCO, Teacher of English  Mrs L Herlock
Teaching Assistant - overall classroom support, Head of House - Assigned to Year 7 Ms R Wharfe 
Teaching Assistant - overall classroom support,  Assigned to Year 8 Mrs E Green
Teaching Assistant - overall classroom support, ASD lead - Assigned to Year 9 Miss L Cairns-Rickard
Teaching Assistant - EAL coordinator, overall classroom support, Assigned to Year 10 Mrs Z Jafri
Teaching Assistant- overall classroom support, Assigned to Year 11 - additional tuition in core subjects Mrs R Davis
Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead Safeguarding, Dep. Mental Health lead/Mental Health first aid,  all SEMH intervention) Miss A Piper
LRC Lead - Literacy assessment coordinator  Miss S Piper

 The role of the Teaching Assistant is varied.  They may support identified students within the classroom, work with small groups of students, assist with the physical demands of the curriculum e.g. movement between and within classrooms as well as supporting extra-curricular learning and educational visits. They also play an important role as Key Worker for targeted students who we feel need more focused monitoring.

Support Offered:

  • Keyworker for targeted students
  • Target setting with all SEND students 
  • Student Profiles for all students - produced with the student to promote student voice
  • 1:1 support for targeted students
  • Home Learning club 
  • Interventions
  • Breakfast Club 8 – 8.30am to provide support at the start of each day
  • Lunchtime Spelling and Reading Clubs 
  • Rapid Progress classes  as part of the curriculum (KS3 & 4)
  • English and Maths interventions at Key Stage 3

For more advice and information please click here.

EAL (English as an Additional Language)

We take pride in being a fully inclusive school, promoting excellence in education regardless of cultural, ethnic or linguistic background.

All students for whom English is an additional language are offered support as appropriate. For many students this is a very light-touch support with occasional interventions – especially in preparing for assessments and public examinations.

For students whose English language skills require more intensive support, a programme will be put in place by the school’s SENCO and Support Team, including EFL-trained staff.

The programme is tailored to each individual based on specific need and will be woven into the student’s timetable. This ensures that students are not excluded from the mainstream curriculum and enables full inclusion and language development.

For further information please contact the school SENCO, Ms Day via

Education Health Care Plans

If your son/daughter has an Educational Health Care Plan then the appropriate provision will be put in place to ensure they are fully supported. If you are a prospective parent of a student with an EHCP then all admissions to schools must be through the SEND Team in your local authority.

Get in touch

Miss Sam Rogers, School Business Manager

Hemel Hempstead

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department on the contact details below)

(01442) 406020