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Welcome to

The Adeyfield Academy


Good attendance to school is intrinsically linked to high attainment and positive wellbeing. Therefore, at The Adeyfield Academy we place huge importance on our students attending school everyday.

It is very important that students aim to attend school every day, only absent when they are physically too unwell. Our school target for attendance is 96%, and we set all students this target. It is a parent/carer's legal responsibility to ensure that their child attends school regularly and is not absent without good reason. 

Research shows that children who attend school regularly are happier learners than those who miss school on a regular basis. Children who miss school often fall behind with their studies and can become socially isolated. We monitor attendance very carefully and you will be contacted if your child's attendance falls below target. We want all Adeyfield students to be happy attending school and if you feel that your child is becoming reluctant to attend, please do not hesitate to contact their Form Tutor or Head of Year. 

The school week is organised into 25 one-hour lessons; five one-hour lessons a day. 

Students should arrive at the school site by 8.30am each morning. Breakfast is available every day in the school canteen from 7.50am until 8.30am.

Students will have a weekly assembly during form time.

  • 8.30am         Registration and form time 

  • 9am                Lesson 1

  • 10am             Lesson 2

  • 11am             Morning Break

  • 11.20am      Lesson 3

  • 12.20am      Registration and Lesson 4

  • 1.20pm         Lunch

  • 2pm                Lesson 5

  • 3pm                Enrichment 

Late arrivals/Early departures

The student entrance gate closes at 8.30am, any student arriving after 8.30am must report to the member of staff at reception.

Students who are late without good reason will be required to complete a break time detention.  

Absences due to illness

If a student is absent or late due to illness, or an appointment, the parent must inform the school be 8.30am either by telephone on the attendance line 01442 406020 option 1 on each day the student is absent or an email to A specific reason must be given for the absence. The school may ask for medical evidence to be provided if a student’s attendance is irregular or continues for a sustained period.

Leave of absence during term time

Principals no longer have the discretion to allow time for a family holiday or to agree to extended leave for parents/carers to visit their country of origin during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Taking children out of school during term time means they would be losing valuable school time at the expense of their education. If your child is absent from school because of a holiday, which has not been agreed, then this will be classified as an unauthorised absence and you may be fined or legal action taken against you. If you feel that the circumstances for an absence is exceptional then an application must be made to school, prior to any arrangements being made. School will then decide whether the absence can be authorised.

To request such an absence, please download the attached Leave of Absence Form and once completed send it to or hand over in a sealed envelope to Mrs Sims, The Adeyfield Academy Attendance Officer.
Please see more information in our Attendance Policy by clicking here.

Get in touch

Miss Sam Rogers, School Business Manager

Hemel Hempstead

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department on the contact details below)

(01442) 406020