Safeguarding: Frequently Asked Questions
How does The Adeyfield Academy prevent students from being radicalised?
Examples include:
- Promoting British Values
- RE and PSHCE and other curriculum subjects
- Student Voice
- Student Leadership
- Community work
- Parental contact
- Personal Development Journey e.g. drop downs, assemblies, tutor time focus
- Multi-agency approach e.g. Social workers, Prevent Coordinator, external speakers
- CPD on attachment
- Staff PREVENT Training
How does The Adeyfield Academy deal with bullying, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and general discrimination relating to disabilities?
Examples include:
- Promoting British Values
- RE
- Personal Development Journey e.g. drop down days
- Student Voice
- Student Leadership
- Parental contact
- Multi-agency approach e.g. Social workers, guest speakers
- CPD on attachment
- Staff Pivotal training
- Professional support using Brook
How does the school address child on child abuse?
Examples include:
- STEPs approach - including quiet conversation
- Curriculum e.g. PSHCE, RE and all other subject areas
- Student Executives and Student Voice
- E-safety parent pit stops
- Weekly safeguard message sent to pupils
- Tutor time
- 5 Star Adeyfield Student
- Weekly safeguarding briefing
Which two safeguard concerns if not reported can result in prosecution?
Serious Crime Act 2015 (Child cruelty, Sexual communication, Possession of Paedophile manual, FGM, Anonymity for victim, FGM orders, Forced marriages, Forced marriages order, Duty to notify police, controlling or coercive behaviour in intimate or family relationship). Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Child trafficking).
What is the school procedure for CME (Child Missing in Education)?
- If a child is absent for more than 2 days and contact with parents cannot be made, a home visit and a letter posted and emailed requesting parents to contact the school as a matter of urgency, this would also be passed to the schools safeguarding team nd logged on CPOMs (this is not a child missing in education).
- What is the procedure for Child Missing in Education? Children missing in education are children of compulsory school age who are not registered pupils at a school and are not receiving suitable education otherwise than at school. This school would report any know cases to county.
What is the school procedure when an allegation is made?
Please see safeguarding action and procedure flow chart detailed below:
What training have staff at The Adeyfield Academy received to help safeguard Children?
- Online Child Protection Training, PREVENT Training, GDPR Training
- Level 1 Safeguarding Training for all staff
- All staff have been given access to, and read key government documents and guidelines
- Attachment CPD as part of bi-weekly spotlight briefings
- SEND-Provision Map
- STEPs Training
- New Staff Induction- rigorous safeguard training including Cpoms training
- Regular updates and safeguarding question for staff as part of weekly briefing and bulletin
- Safer recruitment training for designated staff
- Level 3 Safeguarding Training for safeguarding team including Senior Leadership Team and Heads of Year
What de-escalation techniques are used by staff to address pupil behaviour?
- Distraction Therapy
- Focus on positive behaviour
- Non-confrontational - sitting down or standing on your side
- Positive handling
- Pivotal curriculum
Any further questions or concerns?
Please contact a member of our safeguarding team