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The Adeyfield Academy

Safeguarding Information for Visitors

"All children have the right to grow up safe from harm”

No child should suffer harm, either at home or at school. Everyone who works at The Adeyfield Academy has a responsibility to make sure that all students are safe.

This information is provided to make sure you understand what is expected of you as a visitor to The Adeyfield Academy with responsibilities that may involve contact with young people. It is your duty to be aware of its content and to take appropriate action where necessary. Please ask at reception if you are unclear about any of the information you have read.

If you are worried about the safety of any student or adult in the school you must report it to Miss I Walbank, Ms Day or Mrs S Marshall immediately.

For further guidance The Adeyfield Academy’s Safeguarding Policy can be found here.

This page outlines guidance for visitors to The Adeyfield Academy and for staff working at The Adeyfield Academy on a part-time or temporary basis.


Safeguarding Team

The staff responsible for Safeguarding, who should be contacted if you are concerned about the safety of a student are:

Am I allowed to get to know the students in this school?

If you work at The Adeyfield Academy for some time, you may have a professional reason for getting to know some of the students; some of them may talk to you on a regular basis and come to regard you as a friend. To protect yourself and the children you should remember the following:

  • If you are in a room alone with a student, ensure the door is open at all times and that the door has a see-through panel allowing activities to be clearly visible from outside.
  • If a child seeks to talk to you more frequently than is considered normal, you should refer the matter to the contact person in the school overseeing your contracted work.
  • Do not give students details of your personal social network accounts or engage in any communication with students using social networking sites.
  • Never exchange phone numbers or agree to contact a student who you have met through your contracted work in the school.
  • Do not initiate verbal or physical contact with students unless it is appropriate and a part of the agreed reason for your visit.

How would I know if a child was being harmed or radicalised?

Young people will sometimes talk to an adult if they are being harmed.

Adults visiting or working on The Adeyfield Academy site play an important part in the life of the Academy. You can play a part in keeping students safe whilst working at or visiting The Adeyfield Academy by observing the following guidelines.

It is possible that you might notice something unusual that leads you to think a student might be the victim of abuse within or outside of school. This may be a physical sign or something about a student’s behaviour.

If you think a student is being harmed you must not keep it to yourself, even if the child asks you to. You have a duty to pass the information on to protect the child in the future. You will not get into trouble if you do.

Trust your instincts and help prevent tragedies; this includes anyone who is showing signs of becoming radicalised. Report it if you notice:

  • Extreme views and opinions
  • Expressions of support for radical groups and ideologies
  • A radical change in behaviour

If I am concerned that a student at The Adeyfield Academy is being harmed, what action should I take?

You must tell Miss I Walbank (DSL), Ms J Day (DDSL), Mrs A Bordoley (DDSL) or Mrs S Marshall (DDSL), who are the staff responsible for safeguarding at The Adeyfield Academy, as soon as possible. If they are not available, tell Miss D Mason, the Principal.

If a student makes a disclosure to you:

  • Listen to them without interruption, accepting what is said and avoiding asking leading questions
  • Reassure the person they have done the right thing
  • Do not promise confidentiality. Explain that you will need to talk to someone else
  • Report the matter to either Miss I Walbank, Ms J Day, Mrs A Borodley or Mrs S Marshall immediately.

If you have any concerns that a student may be at risk of harm:

  • Report it immediately to Miss I Walbank, Ms J Day, Mrs A Borodley or Mrs S Marshall, who can be contacted via the school office
  • Do not discuss your concerns with the student or other adults
  • Do not carry out an investigation

If you receive an allegation about an adult:

  • Report the matter to Miss D Mason, Principal.
  • Do not investigate it yourself

Get in touch

Miss Sam Rogers, School Business Manager

Hemel Hempstead

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department on the contact details below)

(01442) 406020