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The curriculum at The Adeyfield Academy is broad and balanced. It aims to provide all learners with a breadth of knowledge and skills that will equip them for life in modern British society. Teachers are enthusiastic and passionate about their subjects. They spend time planning interesting lessons so that their love of the subject is passed on to students. Home Learning is set to help students develop the skills to work independently and to practise and extend skills learnt in school. At The Adeyfield Academy we pride ourselves on providing a responsive classroom for all our learners. Teaching and educational support staff work together to provide the very best provision to cater for the needs of all learners.

Curriculum Purpose

Our deep, broad and balanced curriculum with extensive extracurricular opportunities has been designed to develop knowledgeableconfident and articulate young people and ensure students of all abilities and backgrounds achieve their academic and intellectual potential and raise their aspirations. It ensures that students can study all subjects within the National Curriculum, providing opportunities for students to acquire the knowledge, skills and qualifications they need for their next steps in education or employment or progression to further study. The curriculum places a high emphasis on literacy, numeracy and SMSC across all areas of study and values a commitment to lifelong learning. The curriculum promotes our school values and enables all learners to become active and engaged citizens in modern British society and reflects the school’s commitment to inclusivity, equality of opportunity and the celebration of diversity.


  • Excellent teaching delivered by teachers with a deep knowledge of their subject.
  • High expectations at all times and a belief that all students can meet those expectations.
  • A strong focus on knowledge, skill, academic achievement and qualifications.
  • Appropriate and bespoke support for students on the SEND register as well as key groups of students
  • An emphasis on the development of literacy and numeracy across the curriculum
  • An opportunity to develop cultural capital
  • Develop our values of ambition, compassion, dignity, courage, and respect across the curriculum.
  • Provide a wide range of opportunities to develop the character and personal well-being of student through large and vibrant extracurricular offer
  • A flexible curriculum which allows students to follow their talent and interests as well as providing extra support and challenge.

Curriculum Design

The curriculum at The Adeyfield Academy is ambitious, broad and balanced, designed to be in line with the National Curriculum and guidance on the broader aspects of learning.

Key Stage 3

The KS3 curriculum is based on the National Curriculum with the core subjects of English, Maths and Science central to student learning. The standard curriculum also includes Art, Citizenship, Performing Arts, Geography, History, Music, Religious Education, Spanish, PE and Design Technology (which includes Product Design, Textiles and Food). Robust and carefully mapped out schemes of learning aim to provide students with key knowledge, skills and a rich understanding of each subject, whilst promoting the lifelong love of learning. Cross-curricular links, real-world subject application and potential progression routes are made explicit within the teaching of KS3 subjects. The Key Stage 3 curriculum is designed to give students a solid foundation in preparation for making appropriate choices in Key Stage 4. For all students the curriculum is also enriched by having dedicated PSHCE lessons which cover sex, drug and health education as well as providing careers education informed by the Gatsby Benchmarks. Furthermore, a multitude of extra-curricular opportunities, stretching across and beyond all curriculum areas, is open to all students.

Key Stage 4

During Years 10 & 11 students work towards their end of Key Stage 4 external exams and qualifications. Students work towards qualifications in the core subjects of English Language, English Literature, Maths and Science. Most students will follow a Combined Science qualification, though some will work towards qualifications in the separate sciences of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Students are guided and supported (through the Careers programme in PSHCE, tutor interviews, information evenings and the support of our Connexions advisor) to make appropriate subject choices in line with their potential as well as academic and career aspirations. Most will follow a Humanities subject (Geography or History) and some will choose the modern foreign language of Spanish.  Our curriculum is designed to enable students to choose from a breadth of subjects including: Art and Design, Business Studies, Child Development, Citizenship, Computer Science, Performing Arts, Hospitality and Catering, Media Studies, Music, Philosophy and Ethics, PE, Psychology, Sociology, Design and Technology (which includes Textiles or Resistant materials).  For most subjects students work towards a GCSE qualification but the school also recognises the suitability of high-value vocational qualifications in several areas.  For some students there is the opportunity to personalise a programme of study to ensure that they leave the school with the range of knowledge, skills and qualifications required for their own career and life aspirations.

Key Stage 5

Many of our students choose to remain at The Adeyfield Academy for their studies Post-16. The curriculum is designed to offer students a breadth of opportunity that will facilitate successful progression routes into Higher Education, Apprenticeship or employment.  The Level 3 offer consists of both academic and high-value vocational qualifications. A-Levels are offered in a wide range of subjects including Art and Design, English Literature, Maths, Music, Biology, Chemistry, Classical Civilisation, History, Geography, Politics, Psychology, Sociology. Vocational qualifications offered include Art & Design, Business Studies, Child Development, Heath and Social Care, Media Studies Travel and Tourism and Sport. All Post-16 students who have not achieved a Grade 4 in GCSE English and/or Maths have dedicated timetabled lessons to work towards successfully reaching that grade. A formal personal development programme of PSHCE and RE is also followed. This includes careers advice and guidance, support with UCAS applications, financial education and opportunities to explore current affairs and current social issues. Enrichment opportunities are varied during Post-16 study and all members of Post-16 undertake some community service within the school to act as leaders and ambassadors supporting the wider life of the learning community.

Please contact Miss I Walbank with any queries about the curriculum at The Adeyfield Academy.

Get in touch

Miss Sam Rogers, School Business Manager

Hemel Hempstead

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department on the contact details below)

(01442) 406020