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Curriculum Lead

Mr R Mellor - Curriculum Lead P.E.

Overall Curriculum Principles & Intent

In PE the curriculum is designed in order to promote engagement in a range of different physical activities and theoretical knowledge of the benefits of a healthy active lifestyle and to promote a lifelong love of sport. 

We aim to develop students deep understanding of the physical, social, emotional and mental health benefits of physical activity. Students are then able to use this as a vehicle to improve these aspects. 

We aim for students to leave The Adeyfield Academy knowing which activities they enjoy, how to improve their physical fitness and the further education and career pathways within the sports industry. 

We aim to provide students with opportunities to participate in competitive sport within school, in external competitions and offering guidance, support and encouragement to those wishing to compete at a higher level. 

Our curriculum here at The Adeyfield Academy is inclusive for all abilities and reflect our 5 core values by being courageous in engaging in a range of activities. Being respectful and compassionate whilst working with peers. Students demonstrate ambition to work to the best of their abilities and dignity when conducting themselves in sporting activities. 

Within Key Stage 3, students are exposed to a broad and balanced curriculum which provides them with the opportunity to understand and apply the fundamental skills which underpin sports performance. In theory lessons, students will gain the knowledge and skills to begin to access GCSE PE / BTEC Sport content through stretch and challenge tasks. 

Within Key Stage 4, we provide opportunities for students to widen their knowledge base within the subject through both GCSE PE, BTEC Sport and WJEC Sport and Coaching Principles courses which provide suitable routes for all students to progress to further education.

Key Stage 3 Specifications

Sports Leaders - Level 1

When students enter Year 9 they are invited to apply for a place on the Sports Leaders Course where they will gain a Level 1 qualification in Sports Leadership. 

Students will be required to identify, develop and demonstrate the skills required of an effective sports leader and become an active member of the school community; running activities for younger students and/or assisting members of staff in extra-curricular clubs.

Students will also have the opportunity to lead activities for the local primary schools by assisting the Dacorum School Sports Network to run events for Year 1-6 pupils. Students are also regularly invited to run events for the Herts Youth Games and students who continue to demonstrate strong leadership qualities have also gone on to join the Hertfordshire Youth Leadership Academy.

Key Stage 4 GCSE & BTEC Specifications


Exam Board: AQA

Specification No: 8582

Course Content

Theory (60%)  Students will develop knowledge of the key body systems and how they impact on health, fitness and performance in physical activity and sport. Students will study the psychological factors that can affect performers in physical activity and sport.
Practical (40%) - Students will be assessed in three different physical activities in the role of player/performer. Students will be assessed on their analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvement in one activity

Mode of Assessment
There are 3 modes of assessment:

  • Exam 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport (30%)
  • Exam 2: Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport (30%)
  • Non- exam assessment: Practical performance and performance analysis assessment (40%)

Why Study this Course?

  • Develop a broader understanding of healthy lifestyles, leadership, anatomy and physiology, the role sport has in society and to develop your practical skills.
  • Enjoy studying a subject that has both theory and practical elements.
  • A great option to progress and study Sport or PE on a further education course after Year 11.
  • Gain confidence in leading groups of people and developing your practical ability in a selection of sports that you can choose.

Students will receive a well-rounded introduction to the world of PE, sport and sport science through the combination of physical performance and academic challenges. The content is both interesting and challenging.

Progression Routes
If successful at the GCSE course, there are a number of progressions routes students can take. We offer BTEC level 3 which offers a further insight into sports leadership, sports development and the sports industry. Other routes are A Level PE. Both routes can open the door to university in the fields of physiotherapy, sports injury, sports science, personal training and the sports industry.

BTEC Level 2 First Award in Sport

Type of Qualification: BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Sport

Level of Course: 1/2


The Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Sport comprises of 120 guided learning hours (GLH) and students will study the course for two years to complete qualification which is the equivalent of one GCSE. 

Students will study four units over the two-year course which are:

  1. Fitness for Sport and Exercise

  2. Practical Performance in Sport

  3. Applying the Principles of Personal Training

  4. Leading Sports Activities

How is the course assessed?

  • Unit 1 – Fitness for Sport & Exercise  

    • This will be assessed by an onscreen exam with a range of questions used to determine the student’s understanding of the physiological requirements to take part in Sport & Exercise which will be marked externally.  

All other units will be assessed through the completion of assignments over the two years. As students complete each unit they will be awarded a pass, merit or distinction grade by their tutor. 

  • Unit 3 - Applying the Principles of Personal Training

    • Unit 3 is a synoptic assessment which is assessed internally and allows students to pull together the knowledge gained in Units 1 and 2 and relate the content to a real-life situation. 

    • This unit will also be assessed through the completion of assignments.

Additional Information

This qualification is aimed at learners looking to gain the knowledge, understanding and skills to progress to further study and, in due course, prepare learners to enter the workplace. Learners can expect to gain the skills necessary to work in the fields of Fitness instruction, personal training, coaching and teaching. 

Following the completion of the Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Sport, there is a clear progression route to the BTEC National Level 3 in Sport. 

Key Stage 5 BTEC Specifications

BTEC Nationals Level 3 Extended Certificate in Sport

Level of Course: 3


Students will study the course for two years, and is the equivalent of one A Level. The Edexcel Level 3 BTEC Extended Certificate in Sport comprises of 360 guided learning hours (GLH) for the complete qualification.

Students will study four units over the two-year course, of which three are mandatory

The 4 units studied are:

  1. Anatomy and Physiology

  2. Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being

  3. Professional development in the Sports Industry

  4. Application of Fitness Testing

How is the course assessed?

  • Unit 1 – Anatomy and Physiology –

    •  This will be assessed by a written exam with short and long answer questions assessing understanding of anatomy and physiology and how different systems of the body can affect sports performance. 

    • The paper is sat for 1.5 hours and compromises of 80 marks

  • Unit 2 – Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being 

    • Part A is a Pre Release task. Students will interpret lifestyle factors and health screening data to create and justify a fitness training programme for a client.

    • Part B is an externally assessed exam which is sat for 2.5 hours and compromises of 60 marks

All other units will be assessed through the completion of assignments over the two years. As students complete each unit they will be awarded a pass, merit or distinction grade by their tutor.

Additional Information:

This qualification is aimed at learners looking to progress to employment in the sports sector. It is designed for entry to roles such as gym instructor or fitness instructor, and is appropriate for progression to Level 3 Personal Trainer qualification or degree programmes.

Students who decide to go to university or college could take a degree or a BTEC Higher National in subjects such as Personal Training, Teacher Training and Fitness Programming

Get in touch

Miss Sam Rogers, School Business Manager

Hemel Hempstead

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department on the contact details below)

(01442) 406020