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It is very important that Sixth Form students aim to attend school everyday. Our school target for attendance is 96% and we set all students this target.  

It is very important that Sixth Form students aim to attend school every day and are only absent when they are physically too ill to come into school. Our school target for attendance is 96% and we set all students this target.  Attendance in each year group meets this target and we are very proud to say that many of our students have a 100% attendance record. 

Research shows that students who attend school regularly are happier learners than those who miss school on a regular basis. A Level students who miss school often fall behind with their studies and this will significantly affect results.  We monitor attendance very carefully and you will be contacted if your son/daughter's attendance falls below target. We want all students to be happy to attend school and if you feel that your son/daughter is becoming reluctant to attend school then please do not hesitate to contact the Sixth Form 

Please see more information in our Attendance Policy by clicking here. 

In the case of unavoidable absence,  parents should telephone the school before 8.30am and on the day of return to school should provide a letter/email explaining the reason for the absence. 

Year 12 students should remain on site from 8.35am until the end of the morning session, utilising our study facilities when not in lessons. Students are allowed to leave school during break and lunchtime but must return in time for their lessons. Failure to do this may result in this privilege being removed. 

Year 13 students should be on site for lessons, but are allowed late start/early finish arrangements providing they are meeting their target grades and are up to date with their studies by arrangement with Mr G Cook.  All students need to follow the 'signing out and signing in' procedure.  

Driving lessons, dental and medical appointments cannot be arranged during timetabled lesson times. 

Get in touch

Miss Sam Rogers, School Business Manager

Hemel Hempstead

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department on the contact details below)

(01442) 406020