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Our Vision for Teaching and Learning

As all students develop and progress at different rates, the aim at The Adeyfield Academy is to make sure that all learners receive the right education for them. We take care to assess the needs of learners as they join us in Year 7, and we continue to monitor their progress throughout their time with us. Irrespective of starting points we believe that all students should have limitless aspiration. 

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Below are just a few ways that The Adeyfield Academy supports all students:


Teachers are enthusiastic and passionate about their subjects and their skill. They spend time planning engaging lessons to ensure that a love of learning is passed on to students. Home Learning is set to help students develop the skills to work independently and to build, practice and extend skills learnt in school. At The Adeyfield Academy, we pride ourselves on providing a responsive classroom for all our learners. Teaching and education support staff work together to provide the very best provision to cater for the needs of all learners. 

Teaching and Learning

Excellent Teaching and Learning is the heart of everything we aim for at The Adeyfield Academy. We have a strong ethos, combined with our school values, of excellent learning and personal development, where students grow personally and academically to be the best that they can be. Our vision for Teaching and Learning is underpinned by 7 research-led priorities. These are:

1) Challenge - Ensuring no limit is put on what a child can achieve.

2) Knowledge and Skill - Teachers should have excellent subject knowledge and they should focus on imparting that knowledge and skill-set onto our young learners

3) Explanation - Clarity of instruction is vital to ensure students know what to do and how to do it. 

4) Questioning - Good learning happens when it is interactive and collaborative. Quality questioning challenges pupils and makes them think deeply about their studies.

5) Modelling & Scaffolding - Students achieve better when work is chunked and where teachers show how they would approach a problem/challenge/task. All of which brings a focus on metacognition and teaching children how to THINK in specific situations. 

6) Deliberate Practice - Honing specific skills and areas of knowledge to make incremental, marginal gains. This idea is taken from sport and, it works!

7) Assessment and Feedback - Quality, timely feedback which is focussed and practical. Good feedback should allow students the space and opportunity to improve.  


We support our young people through an innovative curriculum, encompassing both academic and vocational opportunities. We have a strong emphasis on PSHCE and wellbeing through tutor time and dedicated class time to ensure that we are preparing students for life in modern Britain. Together we provide a responsive and 21st Century ready experience for the young people we work with. 

As a school, we also ensure that staff are afforded the best opportunities to develop their practice and understanding of our profession. We believe in collaboration and sharing excellent practice across our school, local partners and the ATLAS trust. 

Staff share their experiences weekly within their dedicated Faculty Development Time and 'Pineapple' visit each other to share best practice and new ideas for their classroom. As the world of work changes so quickly and we are preparing students for the rapidly changing world, so teachers must also reflect on and continually improve their practice. Alongside these opportunities, we offer a robust framework of CPD throughout the academic year.

We run a coaching course for our staff to develop them as leaders in their field. We also run a two day Teaching and Learning Conference in Spring that gives access to bespoke training and updates on pedagogical teaching and research; as well as inspirational speakers like Mark Burns and Tom Sherrington. 

Scholars' Programme

Students are afforded challenge in their lessons to achieve the best they can and maximise their potential. As part of our Faculty Development Time, staff are kept up to date with pedagogical research and practices that insist on high expectations to be able to stretch and challenge students. Faculty areas have specific challenge activities identified that are relatable to the subjects for every year group. At The Adeyfield Academy we use methods such as Stretch and Challenge boards, Secret Mission cards, Answer Challenge and Build questioning, as well as tailor-made differentiation for identified students to ensure that rapid progress is made and teaching time is used to the full. 

Additional English & Maths

The Department for Education (DfE) provides all secondary schools with a Literacy and Numeracy Catch-up Premium to support Year 7 students who did not achieve the Key Stage 2 standard of a scaled score of 100 or more in English and Maths. 

A significant proportion of the funding has been utilised in our Additional English provision. Small groups of identified students work closely with specialist teachers to further their English and Maths as part of the Additional English & Maths curriculum. This provision extends throughout Key Stage 3 to ensure that students are given the best possible grounding for their GCSEs and are supported to achieve the best possible outcomes. 

Specialised Small Group Support

We offer small group support to those learners who may need help developing their language or social and emotional skills. Specific and dedicated staff offer provision based on identified need for a period of 5-8 weeks in a safe and secure environment to develop students' confidence and resilience. 

Get in touch

Miss Sam Rogers, School Business Manager

Hemel Hempstead

(To request a paper copy, please contact our Administration Department on the contact details below)

(01442) 406020